Leading from the Heart: Celebrating 5,000 Days
Contributed by Tony Roussey, Chief Operating Officer and Safety Director
Over fourteen years ago, EV began a string of consecutive days without a lost-time injury that is still going! Back on January 25, 2021, EV achieved the 5,000 consecutive day milestone and we celebrated yesterday with our employees, their significant others and children with a party at Johnson Park. We ate great BBQ, enjoyed face painting, children’s games and many rounds of cornhole. It was a special night enjoyed by all.
With over 150 employees at EV and 100 of them performing dangerous work assignments on a regular basis, I am just blown away by this achievement! The hard work our safety committee, safety leadership team, managers and team members have put into this success, is quite simply, amazing! Seeing our employee’s children and significant others yesterday brings clarity to the “why” of EV’s safety culture. Those little ones count on the leaders of this company to keep their parents safe! To send them home every day, just the way they were when they left for work that morning, is the most important responsibility I have as Chief Operating Officer and Safety Director. Nothing else comes close. We celebrate these milestones, with family!
10 years or so ago, we achieved 1,500 days and it was our first family party held to celebrate that awesome event. At that time, never did I imagine we would reach 2,500 days! Well, here we are, at 5000 days! I am so looking forward, God willing, to the next celebration.
I want to thank all of our employees for their commitment to safety. Our employees buy into our safety standards and I believe, it’s the highest in the industry. Without that commitment, we would never have achieved the success that we have. Congratulations to my fellow EV team members!
Remember, always, LEAD FROM the HEART!