Unmistakably EV: Innovation through a different attitude
Winner of the 2016/2017 MCOY Award
The goal at Elzinga & Volkers (E&V) is to be “unmistakable” in the contracting community by striving to do things radically differently than others. Part of being “Unmistakably E&V” is looking at professional relationships differently. They are proud of their recognition from the trade contracting community, and for those that have trusted them with their projects. They fully embrace the fact that great projects are not built without a high level of collaboration and respect between all the companies working onsite.
Since being named the 2016/2017 winner of the American Subcontractors Association of Michigan’s (ASAM) Michigan Contractor of the Year (MCOY) award, E&V has ramped up efforts locally, regionally and nationally to continue growing the relationships they have with their trade contractors, clients and community.
Shortly after being presented the award, E&V opened its second office in Coldwater, Michigan, expanding operations to the Coldwater/Branch County communities with a goal to better serve new and existing clients throughout the country. The location now houses E&V’s Facilities Services Division (FSD), a division of the company explicitly dedicated to maintenance and small capital projects nationwide.
As E&V continues to focus on the future, the team is careful to not forget about the professional growth of the contractors and industry professionals throughout West Michigan.
In an effort to ensure a safer work environment for all professionals and to raise awareness of injury prevention, E&V spends considerable time and resources each year highlighting the importance of working safely and creating a safety culture through their annual Alive 365: Safety Week program. In 2016, there were 44 work site deaths in Michigan, and through this program, E&V hopes to help reduce the number of construction-related deaths in Michigan.
Just last year, more than 59 companies, over 200 construction professionals, attended the Safety Week Symposium and participated in training courses including first aid, CPR and AED, lift training and fall protection.
More than 1,300 industry professionals have been trained through the Alive 365 program throughout the past four years.
Thanks to the Alive 365 program and E&V’s continued dedication to the trade contractor industry, the national trade association Associated Builders and Contractors (ABC) recently named E&V an Accredited Quality Contractor (AQC). This distinction recognizes the company’s safety processes and reputation of success, further documenting E&V’s commitment to quality, safety, training, community and employees.
The investment E&V has made in safety extends well beyond their own employees to all of their trade contractors, vendors, and partners. E&V recognizes that safe jobsites are more productive and produce higher quality projects. E&V is proud to set the standard for safety in the construction industry.
Through diligence and unwavering attention to the company’s safety standards, E&V reached a significant milestone on May 15, 2017 and extended its safety track record to more than 10 years with no lost time injuries. To celebrate, E&V hosted a picnic for employees and families.
None of this would be possible without the devoted staff that make up the E&V family. Since receiving the MCOY award, E&V has continued to grow through the hiring of 43 new staff members in a variety of positions from project management to field personnel. Each employee has played a role in making E&V an industry leader, while continuing to build and maintain relationships with trade contractors and industry professionals throughout the Midwest.
As the recent trend of expansions and renovations of West Michigan infrastructure grows, primarily in Grand Rapids, Holland and Muskegon, and a new MCOY winner is named, E&V’s work will never be done, and the company is proud to perform in a way that strengthens the West Michigan contracting community and exemplifies the ideals of the MCOY award.